Re-Key Locks Windsor Forest, GA – Windsor Forest GA Locksmith Store


Do you want to get your locks rekeyed for your home or commercial property in ? If so, you should contact Windsor Forest GA Locksmith Store now on 912-342-0346! We re-key locks at affordable prices in a short span of time. We have worked for countless home and commercial business owners in our time. You can rely on us to provide a great service at affordable prices.

What does the rekey procedure involve?

Windsor Forest GA Locksmith Store Windsor Forest, GA 912-342-0346So what do we do exactly when we re-key locks ? We replace the locking mechanism – the pin and tumbler system inside your lock – with a new one. That makes it impossible for old keys to open the lock. We provide you with new keys for your lock. During the procedure, we will also sometimes remove master key pins that have been left in place – they are a security hazard allowing people – like previous tenants or building contractors - with master key or sub-master keys to walk into your property without your permission. Lock rekeying gives you better key control – it lets you determine exactly who is allowed to enter your property.

When should you re-key locks ?

Here are some common scenarios where we recommend you re-key locks :

  • Moving to a new property :  Have you purchased or rented a new property recently? Even if the locks are new, the contractors, your real estate agent, or previous tenants will probably own keys that can be used to open your doors without your permission. Rekeying your locks will prevent that from happening.

  • You’re renting out to someone new :  If you’re a landowner in Windsor Forest or nearby areas and had a bad relationship with your ex-tenant, you may want to bar your property to them to prevent retaliation damage. Lock rekeying is your best option, in this case.

  • After d ivorce/fall outs :  Have you had a falling out with your spouse or an employee? By getting your locks rekeyed, you will be able to stop them from coming back without your permission.

  • You’ve lost your keys:  If you lost your keys or think you’ve misplaced them somewhere, the person who finds them may not always have the best intentions towards you. It’s a good idea to get your locks rekeyed just to be safe.

Free consultations

Not all locks qualify for a rekeying procedure – some need to be replaced entirely. Our locksmiths can take a look at your locks for free and see if they qualify for it or not.

Call us now on 912-342-0346 to re-key locks anywhere in at affordable prices!