Push Bars Windsor Forest, GA – Windsor Forest GA Locksmith Store


Windsor Forest GA Locksmith Store Windsor Forest, GA 912-342-0346Commercial buildings like malls, restaurants, bars, schools, and universities are all required by law to have emergency exits installed for quick escape during an emergency situation. The law also prevents emergency exits being locked – after all, you can hardly expect panicked people to find a key to get the lock opened when they’re trying to save themselves from a raging fire. Panic bars or push bars as they are popularly called are pseudo locks that allow emergency exits to be opened easily from the inside, but not from the outside. If you need new push bars installed in the area, Windsor Forest GA Locksmith Store’s expert locksmiths can do it for you in no time. We are a professional locksmith service that has assisted countless businesses in the area secure their emergency exits from external threats.

How do push bars work?

Panic bars (crash bars or exit bars) are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. They usually consist of a horizontally or vertically attached spring-loaded mechanism that activates when pushed or pressed to get the door open from the inside. During emergency situations, all people have to do is press down on the bar and push the door open.

Which push bars should you get?

The kind of push bars you should get will depend on your unique commercial building. Some of the factors you will have to consider will include the number of emergency exits, the number of levels, occupancy, location of exits, building safety codes, and your budget. If you don’t know which ones to get, Windsor Forest GA Locksmith Store’s locksmiths can give you a free security consultation. They will examine your emergency exit doors and give you a list of recommendations on which ones would best suit your business.

Can push bars keep your door locked?

Push bars will prevent your door being opened from the outside – they can only be pushed open from the inside. Also, you can get panic bars that have alarms on them if you’re worried about someone stealing from you and then using the emergency exit to escape. The alarm will ring if someone attempts to tamper with it. There are also some models that are tamper-proof and provide a great deal of security against external threats.

We can install new push bars 24/7

If you need new panic bars installed or your old ones repaired, you can contact Windsor Forest GA Locksmith Store for 24-hr emergency assistance. Our locksmiths are experienced professionals that will handle your request in quick time.

Call us now on 912-342-0346!